Richmond man who revealed intention to take his own life on Twitter found dead by police

By Rory Poulter

24th Feb 2022 | Local News

A Richmond man who revealed he intended to take his own life on Twitter has been found dead by the police.

Martin Billany, aged 57, posted a tweet early on Wednesday saying he had had enough.

In a series of tweets and a letter posted online, Mr Billany explained that he had suffered many years of abuse as a child and subsequently became an alcoholic.

He said he had become estranged from his family and had returned to drinking after some years of abstinence.

A number of friends raised the alarm on Wednesday morning after seeing the tweets and asked the police to contact him. Many also pleaded with him to seek help.

However, later the same day, the police in Richmond tweeted: "This morning we were made aware of a post on social media by a man who suggested he intended to harm himself.

"The man was traced to a residential property in Park Hill, Richmond. Officers attended at approximately 11:10hrs and sadly a 57-year-old man was found dead at the scene.

"Officers are arranging for his next of kin to be informed… The death is not being treated as suspicious."

A spokesman said: "We can confirm police have delivered the sad news to the gentleman's family and friends yesterday."

The police advised that people who need support should contact the Samaritans on 116 123 or email [email protected]

In his tweets, Mr Billany included pictures of himself and explained why he had decided to take his life.

He had built up a friendship group online through running so-called hashtag games.

One friend - Jules 3.5% - wrote: "RIP Martin. This a tragedy.

"Very sorry to see this terribly sad news. In respect to Martin, please read Martin's story. He was witty and punned regularly with the hashtag community.

"It's a warm and loving group who tried to help but sadly he didn't make it."

Another - Jacko @albolt76 – said: "Our friend Martin had battled for a long time against his awful experiences but sadly it looks like he couldn't continue his struggle.

"He was always lovely and friendly, despite everything he's been through, brave beyond words. RIP Martin."

A group of Martin's Twitter friends have set up a JustGiving page in his memory to raise awareness for "the pain and anguish caused by domestic abuse."

Donations will go to the West London charity, Refuge.

  • When life is difficult, Samaritans are available – day or night, 365 days a year.

You can call them for free on 116 123, email them at [email protected] or visit to find your nearest branch.


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